Tips for completing your application:
1) Be prepared
Make sure you have read through the admissions requirements and deadlines to determine whether you meet the entrance requirements. Be aware of application and document submission deadlines – priority will be given to students who apply on time!
2) Keep track of your Login ID and PIN
At the beginning of the application, you will be asked to select a Login ID and PIN. By keeping a record of your ID and PIN as you can log in and out of your application as many times as you need to before you submit it. However, to make a change after you have submitted your application, you must submit a modification request.
3) Provide a valid and reliable email address
After you submit your application, you will receive a confirmation email with important information on your Minerva account and how to complete your file. As such, it is very important that you provide a reliable email address.
4) Use both your program choices
It does not matter what order you use. Both choices will be evaluated and you will receive a separate decision for each program choice (though you may not receive these decisions at the same time). If you want to apply to more than two programs, you will need to submit – and pay for – another application.
5) Tell us who can obtain application information on your behalf
If you would like a parent, guardian, family member or friend to be able to contact McGill on your behalf and obtain information about your application, you must include their name in the “Disclosure information” section of the application. Otherwise, privacy laws prevent us from sharing your information with anyone other than you and staff from your school.
6) Have on hand the following information as it may be helpful in filling out the application:
- Test scores (if you are required to submit tests, such as TOEFL, IELTS, SAT, etc…)
- Quebec Permanent Code (if you have studied at any level in Quebec)
- Ontario Universities Application Centre number (if available)
- 考试成绩(如果你需要递交考试成绩的话,例如托福考试、雅思考试、SAT考试等等);
- 魁北克永久代码(如果你在魁北克参加了任何水平的学习的话);
- 安大略大学申请中心号码(如果有的话);
7) Have a credit card to pay the application fee
At the undergraduate level, a non-refundable application fee of $104.67 ($144.37 for the Faculty of Medicine) is required for up to two program choices. Applicants to Music must pay an additional audition fee of $64.43. You will be able to preview your application and print a copy before you pay the application fee. You may also print a confirmation of your credit card payment for your records.
8) Review your Minerva confirmation
You will receive an email acknowledgment within 48 hours after submitting your application for admission. The login information provided in the email will allow you to access your Minerva account to view your application status and upload supporting documents. It is your responsibility to verify your status and ensure the completion of your application.